
Our brain is one of the most advanced information processing systems. Billions of neurons, which are connected via multiple synapses, interact and process information which enter the central nervous system through the senses, with unparalleled performance and reliability in making intelligent decisions. The decoding of brain functions is one of the most important goals of modern neuroscience and its fulfillment will lead to important applications within various disciplines. In this event, Dr. Panagiotis Petrantonakis will present a new approach for the information processing model in the hippocampus, a small but very important area of our brain. Specifically, he will introduce a flow model and an information coding architecture from the hippocampus as an implementation system of Compressed Sensing algorithms. This is part of a mathematical framework that describes how and under which conditions, effective sampling of a signal can be performed using much less samples than those required by the Nyquist theorem. Under the light of this approach, information decoding processing strategies related with hippocampus, will pave the way for new algorithmic implementations in the field of the theory of Compressed Sampling and will act as a catalyst in signal processing in general.

Venue: General Assembly Hall, Polytechnic School
Date: Wednesday, 25 November 2015 15:00