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18:00-19:00 | Introduction to Microsoft Azure (Zafiris Bampos-Elias Eletas) Are you frustrated with your computer’s speed and capabilities? Do you wonder how you could work faster and more efficiently on your university and research projects? Well look no further! Azure is the global leader in Cloud Computing Services provider with the easiest user-friendly environment. You may ask, what is Azure and why you should use it? Microsoft Azure launched in 2010 as a cloud computing platform that can be used for services and resources like virtual computing, storage and much more. For example, Microsoft Azure can provide the required process power and storage volume, for you to work with any Bio-Medical data you have available. Since 2010, it has grown significantly to the point where 90% of all Fortune 500 companies recommend using it! It’s less expensive than most cloud providers, its secure and with the commitment we have to open source and the support we provide for all languages and frameworks, you can build however you want and deploy wherever you want to. Also, you can start for free with a 200$ credit where you can spend during the first 30 days. You wanna learn more about Azure? Join us in this session to find out more! Link: 19:00-20:00 | Introduction to AI and Azure Cognitive Services Georgia Kalyva-Andriana Vera What is Artificial Intelligence? How can I start building AI-enabled applications? What happens to the data I upload? Microsoft Cognitive Services allow every developer to incorporate AI into their application without any machine learning expertise. In this session, we are going to see an overview of Microsoft Cognitive Services and how we can build smart applications using the family of AI services and APIs available. Link: